Thursday, December 13, 2012

Too Submissive?

Sorry it's been so long without an update! I've been crazy busy with work...been a rough week for us at my job.

Today I'm not giving an update (cus there's not a ton to update right now...still locked up), but instead I am talking about something else.

I posed this question on Twitter (and got no responses by the way, so thanks jerks! Just kidding, you're all wonderful) and now I'll ask it here. Is it possible to be TOO submissive?

First of all, I'll start out by saying, yes, I believe it is.

For example, you can be too passive. This can also be described as the "Overly 'Yes Sir'" attitude. This is the guy who will literally say "Yes Sir" to whatever a Sir says, with absolutely no thought or questioning. They are also the subs that, when asked what they are into, or what they like, they simply respond "whatever you want, Sir." While some Sirs like this, I think it's a bit much...

As a sub, I do enjoy pleasing my Sir, and usually that involves saying "Yes" when he asks. However, I have a mind of my own, and I'm not going to just sit there and say that the Sir can do whatever he wants. I would hope that a Sir enjoys it when a boy/sub speaks up for what they want, and respects him for that. This also gets into the idea of "no limits" which could be its own post in itself.

This all comes up for a few reasons. First of all, I found someone's Recon page today that said they were looking for a permanent slave who would completely drop out of their life and basically live in the cellar of this mans house, never to be seen by anyone by him. While I generally try to reserve judgement on other peoples kinks and fetishes, something about this struck me as just too much.

Also, a sub was supposed to come up to see me today, he wanted me to dominate him (something I do on the rarest of occasions) and he was like this. He never asked questions, and his response was almost always "Yes Sir." Personally it turned me off. If I am going to Dom someone, I want someone with some give and take, not someone who is just going to lie there.

Anyway...that's my two cents...what do you all think?

1 comment:

  1. I am submissive and like to be so happy make me want to see me submissive in Brazil have many submissive
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